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Replace Manual HR Process with Digital HR System

Mengapa Harus Software HRIS LinovHR

Why is LinovHR The Best Solution to Your Business?

Build Employee Self Services application to:

Offer flexibility to power business growth

Streamline HR process with AI and analytical software

Build solution to ease employee lifecycle management from hire to retire

Embrace The Future of Workforce Management through The Modern HR Technology

One-stop solution to your HR needs. Rest easy and let LinovHR automate everything!

What Makes LinovHR Different?

Provide a people matter and employee-centric solution to accelerate business growth

Other HRIS
My Happy SVG  Administrative Automation


Automate administrative tasks, such as employee database management, time management, and payroll.


Administrative task like form filling takes time and energy when done manually


Not equipped with integrated data system


Ease the absence process, leave request, reimbursement claim, payslip download, and e-learning through mobile ESS.


Complicated offline absence and attendance system, as well as complex reimbursement claim and leave request flow.


Frequent errors and bugs that slow down the entire HR process.


Fast, accurate, and complied payroll process, including the allowance, deduction, and tax calculation. Generate payslip and report automatically.


High risk of human error that results in inaccurate salary amount and delayed payday.

Other HRIS

The payroll process still performed manually as this requires data import and export


Streamline end-to-end recruitment process, from manpower planning with AI powered systems to find the best talent efficiently.


All recruitment stages are performed manually, so the process takes longer times

Other HRIS

Not equipped with advanced artificial intelligence and analytical technology to select the best talent.


Assess comprehensive employee performance with bias-free methods. Measure employee competency to analyze skill gap, and plan the suitable training program.


End-to-end talent management system is executed manually, making it prone to cognitive bias

Other HRIS

Unadjustable performance review methods based on company needs


The entirety of the employee development procedure can be carried out in a cohesive and adaptable manner, facilitating better monitoring and efficiency.


Implementing employee development manually on a large scale can be difficult and vulnerable to human error, with associated high costs.

Other HRIS

The lack of integration in the end-to-end employee development process makes it challenging to structure programs based on requirements.

Efficient HR Management is One Step Away. Get Started Now!

Embark on the digital transformation journey to confront diverse challenges with state-of-the-art HR solutions.